There is a really good reason NOT to use leverage strategies in your business to move it forward faster.
If you haven’t given up on the idea that you should sacrifice everything for your dream of owning a very profitable business, you shouldn’t use leverage to grow it.
I’m not being tricky here. This isn’t a reverse psychology trick to get you to download the book. (You might have some work to do on yourself before you’re ready for the book.)
I’m actually being serious, and here’s why…
Your guilt from getting farther faster in your business will actually kill your results. You will self-sabotage because in the back of your mind you still believe that if things are too easy to get, it’s wrong to have them.
How many times in your life have you won something you thought would be absolutely amazing to have (money, a gadget, maybe even a car) and then turned around and treated that thing like it was nothing special? The reason for this is that you lost your sense of value for the object because you didn’t work to get it. Therefore the money got spent on stupid stuff, the gadget ended up in the closet, and the car would start looking beat up and shabby after neglecting it.
We are taught from a very young age that anything worth having is worth working for. While that might be true when taken a healthy context, it also teaches us that nothing worth having is worth anything UNLESS we work hard for it.
“When things come too easy we’re suspect. Do they have to get complicated before we believe they’re for real?” Carrie Bradshaw, Sex and the City
The guilt surrounding the getting of things without working hard for them actually works against our success. If it feels too easy to use leverage to get on a big stage and shine, then reaping the rewards of all that attention, you might actually screw up your presentation or interview. Or you might otherwise sabotage your potential success in other ways simply because of subconscious guilt that overrides your good sense.
So, when is a good time NOT to use leverage in your business? When you realize that you’re still holding onto old programming that makes it virtually impossible for anything good to happen for you unless you work really hard for it. That’s not a good thing, but why poke a bear just to be disappointed later when your old guilt patterns step in to “correct” a situation that should have been party time for you and your business.